Hey come take a stroll with me.
I want to show you something.
Do You See What I See?
Our world is reeling back & forth
With Earthquakes, Tsunamies, & Sink Holes.
Shootings of all sorts:
In schools, the public and even at church.
Interest hikes, unrest, and inflation soaring high.
Do You See What I See?
Jesus is very nigh!
Are we paying attention?
The warning signs are loud and clear.
Jesus said Watch as well as Pray.
For He is very near!
Do You See What I See?
Tornados are everywhere.
Floodings and Snow storms
In places that are very rare!
Wake Up, Wake Up
Do you hear the call?
Jesus is knocking at the door
Of our hearts, will we answer at all?
I pray that this stroll causes us to take heed.
The Lord is soon to return to give every man according to as his work shall be.
So I ask once again......
Do You See What I See?
God Bless
Ynita Wheeler~prophetess

Help us Lord!!!!🙏❤️
I see it amen ❤️