Matthew Chapter 24 Referenced
(famine, drought, pestilence "disease" weather events)
There is to much movement in the earth.
Will any take notice to the change?
There is a shortage in chicken wings.
Bacon and hotdogs are scarce.
But do any seem to care?
Floods, Fires, Earthquakes and more.
Jesus is coming. He is nigh at the door!
Pestilence, murders, hearts are waxed cold.
But are any paying attention or just going with the flow.
Wake up! Wake up!
Do Yo See What I See?
Days, Months, Years moving very swiftly.
Hurricanes, Tsunamis, volcano eruptions and more.
The Lord is coming quickly. He's nigh at the door!
Do You See What I See?
Jesus Is On His Way!
Don't be deceived.
We must get our house in order.
So that we can be received.
There is to much movement in the earth.
Is there any that will hear.
The Lord and Savior is drawing near!
Do You See What I See?
Will any take notice to the change?
But as the Word states it will be
just like in Noah's Day!
God bless
Ynita Wheeler-prophetess

Blessings Prophetess Wheeler beautiful words