As God was giving unto me the message for New Year Eve Service, I heard the Holy Spirit speak these words......
Be ye ready at all times. I will be sending my Son soon.
Be watching and devoted to the things of me, what I have commanded unto you and what I have commended into your hands.
I have separated you from somethings so that you would not be contaminated and tainted by them. I have work for you to do. You must be holy and set apart. I the LORD hath spoken.
Then I heard Him speak again: Walk in the light of my Word. Speak boldly, cry loud and spare not. Those that win souls are wise says the LORD.
God is commanding us to watch and to be devoted. This watching has a meaning such as (exercise care, caution, restraint about). We must be careful of how we carry ourselves as believers of Christ. According to the Word we are to Let our light so shine before men, that they may see our good works, and glorify the Father which is in heaven. Matthew 5:16
We must move with caution to avoid the dangers of Satan's plots. Lets not get caught up in his traps and snares of this world and restrain ourselves to not be apart of things that do not produce worthy fruit.
God has called us into servanthood with Him. A servant is down for the cause of who he/she follows. They are dedicated, devoted and supporters of what their leader has going on.
In this case we are to be on board and devoted to the things of God. Down for the cause of spreading the good news which is the gospel of Jesus Christ.
God is calling us forth to speak boldly in proclaiming the gospel. CRY LOUD AND SPARE NOT! We must herald Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Which means salvation has come unto you.
As the Spirit of God spoke: I will send my Son soon. We must be holy and set apart from the world so that we can be prepared for Jesus' coming.
As we have entered into a New Year of the LORD, just as of now as I am writing this I heard the Spirit speak this scripture: Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord: Hebrews 12:14
Happy and Blessed New Year!
Ynita Wheeler-prophetess

This WORD is speaking even now!