Sought to have peace through money, plot's and schemes.
Still no release?
Self gratification, seeking glory for oneself and pulling one's heart strings.
Still no release?
Slipping deep into depression looking at everyone else's success.
Bringing you down into a dark hole, deceiving oneself.
Pride swirling around that will not let you cry out for help.
Saying, I don't want to be ashamed, ashamed.
Deceiving oneself.
But when you've tried it all, I know Someone that can help.
He will be with you every step of the way.
You don't have to fake it.
Never ever having to be ashamed.
There is no condemnation with Him.
If you want to know His name
He always remain the same
It's J.E.S.U.S ( Joy, Everlasting, Sovereign, Uplifting, Savior)
Jesus is His name.
If you let Him in, He will surely be your friend and supply your every need.
When You've Tried Everything else, now let's take one more step.
Try Jesus today! "Try Jesus"
God bless
Ynita Wheeler- prophetess

Amen good word
Good word that is very much needed.. What a word to give a person strength and encouragement.
I’m a living witness… I used to have depression really bad didn’t understand why certain things happened but the more I asked him for understand and strength he delivered