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It Is So !

Writer: Ynita WheelerYnita Wheeler

Genesis 1

When I began to look at the creation of heaven and earth from God. I pictured a stage play unfolding right before our eyes.

Just as it is darkness before the lights come on for the play, so was the earth.

Oh, it was darkness upon the face of the deep and the waters as God moved to put everything into play. We can imagine Lights, Camera Action!!

Lights its your turn to shine!

God spoke: Let there be light and the lights lit up the sky so bright which made the darkness scatter.

Oh, Firmament you're next in action!

God spoke: let there be firmament in the midst of the water.

Divide the waters Firmament so some can be in the sky and some on the land. Just imagine Him saying "Good job firmament and you shall be called Heaven." It Is So!

Water, Water your turn!

God spoke: Gather yourselves together unto one place, and let the dry land appear.

Oh, Land you shall be called Earth and Waters your name shall be called Seas! It Is So!

Earth Brace yourself!

Now Earth you have quite a bit to do. Are you ready?

God spoke: let earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after it's kind, whose seed is in itself. It Is So!

Then everything started performing as God spoke:

Lights divide the day from night (Sun , Moon, Stars).

Waters: Sea bring forth moving creatures and fowl that may fly in the open firmament of heaven.

Earth bring forth living creatures and creeping things and beast of the earth after his kind.

It Is So!

Now the Grand Finale!! Mankind It's your turn!

God spoke: let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over all the fish of the sea, fowl of the air, over cattle and over ALL the earth. It Is So!

And when it was all finished God saw everything that He made and behold it was very good!!

When God spoke It was and It still Is. It Is So!

God Bless

Ynita Wheeler-prophetess


1 Σχόλιο

Candia Bennett
14 Δεκ 2021


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