I crave peace.
I crave beauty.
I crave supernatural, intellectual, spiritual closeness with God.
I crave sobriety, alertness, awaken from darkness that tries
to keep me hidden from the light of life.
Within side I can feel a bubble ready to burst out and be free
from all the hurt, guilt and shame that follows my past.
That says to me you won't last, you won't last.
But there's a voice that tells me you can make it if you surrender.
A still small voice that says remember, remember how you first
put your trust in me?
How I set your mind free, free from hurt, guilt and shame?
Awake, awake my child get up from here. Arise, arise and do not fear.
I will keep you in all your ways. If you surrender.
When I remembered and surrendered my all, all of the shackles
began to fall.
My eyes awake and my heart began to sing.
I have peace.
I have beauty.
I now have a supernatural, intellectual, spiritual closeness with God.
I am sober, alert no longer in the dark.
I am free for there are no more chains holding me.
I have now a deep awakening.

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Blessings thank you for the great word