We define "Church Hurt" as someone in ministry or a brother & sister in Christ that has wrong us. They have come against us in some way, form or fashion.
What if I tell you that's not what "Church Hurt" is? Someone left me a voicemail and one of the words they mentioned was "Church Hurt." The LORD immediately spoke to me and said, "There is no such thing as "Church Hurt." I responded HUH???
God proceeded to explain it is called "DISTRACTION." Distraction is a demonic spirit which causes us to focus on the negative instead of discerning what's the real intent behind the attack. As said before in another blog. Distraction is a PURPOSE KILLER.
It's purpose it to keep us from carrying out the will of God.
When we become hurt our emotions began to take over. The enemy then began to spread lies in our mind and resentment begins to set in towards an individual or persons or even God. This can result in leaving the body of believers in which some do. When we disconnect from the body, now Satan has room to play with our emotions to disconnect from God altogether in which some do as well.
We say things like "I'm not going back to church", or "I don't want to have anything to do with ministry period." We even say things like "God how could you let this happen, I thought this is what you had for me." Some leave and turn back unto the world.
This is the whole purpose of Satan's plan. It is to get us to turn away from God. He doesn't care who he uses to do it (Leadership or other body of believers).
The bible is our go to when facing this type of trial/distraction. Many of the Saints went through opposition within the body of Christ. The end result was that they did not pull back from God nor is it recorded that they held on to the hurt.
David had King Saul after him to slay him. Saul was the LORD"S anointed. But in all opposition with King Saul, David still chose to honor Him as the LORD’s anointed.
Paul was always in opposition to others. Laboring majority from prison.
He warned about the folly of others withstanding them in the gospel. No matter the opposition he stood still and did not pull back. Instead, he said I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:14
Jesus our Lord and Savior had one that was close to him, one He picked as a disciple that walked with Him saw His works, but still betrayed Him. Even the ones that cried Hosanna, Hosanna turned and crucified Him. Did He allow that to cause Him to abort the mission?
He said, "Father Forgive them for they know not what they do." Luke 23:34
I encourage us today to:
(1) Put trust in God, not man. Don't hold people or leaders in a place that is above God. They are human beings like you and me. If we allow Satan to use us Yes, I said "US." If they allow him, he will use them too!
(2) Ask God to show us how to discern when the enemy is coming to distract by using others to come against us. They may have told you that you cannot do this or that in the sanctuary.
Know that God will not allow the gift that He has given you to die. There are many platforms to be used. Everybody's platform will not be in the four walls of the sanctuary.
(3) If God has commissioned you to do something for the Kingdom. Ask Him to guide you to the platform that He has for you to operate in the gift.
Be encouraged Saints, know that "Church Hurt' is really a Distraction from the devil trying to keep us from carrying out the will of God. Forgive and keep pressing in the purpose of God's will.
Be Blessed in the LORD!
Ynita Wheeler-prophetess

Awesome Word Sis👏👏👏👏
All Praise To GOD For This Wonderful Word My Rock. Keep Going!!! Love You!!!