This was the apostle Paul talking to the church of Corinth- and it applies to us today.
17. In every church I tell the people to stay as they were when the Lord Jesus chose them and God called them to be his own. Now I say the same thing to you. 18. If you are already circumcised, don’t try to change it. If you are not circumcised, don’t get circumcised. 19. Being circumcised or uncircumcised isn’t really what matters. The important thing is to obey God’s commands. 20. So don’t try to change what you were when God chose you.
21. Are you a slave? Don’t let that bother you. But if you can win your freedom, you should. 22. When the Lord chooses slaves, they become His free people. And when he chooses free people, they become slaves of Christ. 23. God paid a great price for you. So don’t become slaves of anyone else. 24. Stay what you were when God chose you.
Plain and simply put. Don’t try to change the way you were when God called you.
He saw that He could use you the way you were. Look at the apostle Paul for example. When God chose him, he didn’t change his boldness. He didn’t try to act like the others. He just simply chose to do what God called him to do.
You’re unique and there is only one you, don’t try to be someone else. Be who God called you to be. It’s to BE ORIGINALLY YOU.

Blessings, this is the truth. It took me a while to understand. God shows us things through others sometimes. Even when you see the signs. He does not give up on us when it comes to his teachings.